Saturday, December 31, 2011


As the old year ends and the promise of a new one lies before us, think upon Evelyn's exultation of Christ's Easter fulfillment.

The hour has come to pour the Easter wine

Upon the altar. Let its red flow bright

Upon the altar cloth, the brilliant white

That ever tombs a sainted relic mine.

The hour has come to free the prisoned Host.

Lift up your tongues, and let its message rest

In whiteness on their red. The holy test

Has been fulfilled. Christ has surpassed His boast!

The shrouded skies have lost their deadliness;

The sepulchre surrendered its chaste prey.

White chimes are tinkling immortality.

His hour has come Who walked upon the sea.

His hour has flamed, exalted by duress.

The Risen Christ proclaims it Easter Day!

Evelyn Coffey

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