Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Lamb Speaks

( A rare draft-in-process, but even in this form, appropriate for Christmas Eve. Evelyn's faith was her life, evident in this tender account.)

I am the lamb who breathed upon

The Infant Jesus when His Mother

First placed Him in the hay-spun C crib

I snuggled close to Him. He looked

Quite lost in that rough heap of grass; .

But as I watched, I thought the hay

Itself clung closer to His frame,


The Baby’s eyes

Caught the reflection of a star

Of giant light that hung above

Our The roof at midnight’s hour,and laugherd. and He smiled.

It started all the temple bells

To ringing, strange wild sounds that shocked woke

The peaceful countryside.

Poor Some shepherds

Came running ; and they fell upon

Cold-tightened knees before His face.

It was a wonderment. to them:

This beauteous Child, His Mother’s charm,

His Father’s care-worn countenance,

Submerged in joyful thought.

I was

So young that I could only breathe

My warmth into His bed. I could

Not kneel and pray as all the others

Were praying.

Once He reached His hand

Over the side of His wooden cradle

And rubbed my wool. I snuggled closer

Then, grateful for His gentle touch.

I played

With Him while angels sang. I watched

While Kings brought Him their gifts. I was

Gentle with Him, and Mary kept me in

Their home as Jesus grew.

The God-Man

Cherished my memory by making

A lamb the symbol of His love.

(back reads:

Evelyn Coffey

Dr. Adler’s Prosody

Dec. 5, 1934


It was marked “read”, which meant that he wanted it read in class, and “Skyline” which meant he wanted to publish it in the Skyline journal.

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